Grünes Viertel Stephansstift, Hannover (DE)

The Dachstiftung Diakonie has developed a vision for the neighbourhood in the sought-after residential area of Hanover-Kleefeld: A liveable, sustainable neighbourhood is to be created that offers an inclusive living space to a colourful cross-section of society. The entire project site has an area of around 43,000 square metres. Together with dreigegeneins, we developed a concept for the southern, pointed corner plot.
The pentagonal solitaire forms the start of the quarter and accommodates the nursing home and supplementary uses. Entrances on all sides of the façade allow separate access to the different areas such as day care, medical practices, multifunctional hall and cafeteria as well as the upper-floor apartments. The landscaped inner courtyard is on the one hand a protected outdoor space for the day care, and on the other hand it serves as a quiet recreation area for the neighbourhood and enables young and old, neighbours and residents to meet.

Construction and façade
The building is a solid construction. The load-bearing structure is formed by a layer of 36.5 cm thick insulating bricks, the outer skin consists of a ventilated full brick façade. The oak windows set deep in the reveals lend the façade plasticity and provide sufficient shading in summer. The ground floor with its rough clinker brick façade and the differently sized, freely placed windows stands out clearly from the strictly structured façade of the three standard floors.
For the standard floors in the inner courtyard, we chose an atmospheric, warm-looking wooden façade. Floor-to-ceiling windows provide sufficient lighting for the rooms. The warm, homely atmosphere is reinforced by the façade planting, which climbs up the vertical wooden slats. The result is a house with a classic three-part division of ground floor zone, standard storeys and attic storey, which nevertheless expresses a modern design vocabulary.

Sustainability concept
The external wall construction with thermal insulation bricks minimises the amount of reinforced concrete in the building and reduces the CO2 footprint. The simple, material-appropriate construction creates a long-lasting building. In terms of maximum durability, the house can also be converted into a hotel, dormitory or administration building thanks to the floor plan structure and room heights. Solar and photovoltaic panels sit visually unobtrusively directly on the roof surface and supply the house with energy from renewable sources. The underfloor heating with heat recovery reduces the heating energy demand and contributes to an energy-efficient building.

Client: Grünes Viertel Stephansstift GmbH & Co. KG
Architecture: ARGE Dietrich I Untertrifaller and dreigegeneinen
Competition: 2023 (recognition)
Area: 2,900 m² GRZ
Program: Nursing home, day care, medical practices, multifunctional hall, cafeteria

Landscape: Storch Landschaftsarchitektur / rendering: Dietrich I Untertrifaller, dreigegeneinen