Interview: Dominik Philipp about sustainable planning and building

“Sustainable building has nothing to do with renunciation, but with satisfying our needs,” says Dominik Philipp in an interview with Competitionline about adaptive buildings, networking and the flexibility of wood. It’s about the challenge of designing today good architecture for tomorrow, about building flexible in terms of construction and use and why no other material can keep up with the precision of wood. Thanks Anja Koller for the great article!

Here you can read the article as a PDF:
Competitionline Interview Dominik Philipp DU

More information about our projects mentioned in the article:
TUM Campus in the Olympic Park, Munich (DE)
Wood’Art, ZAC de la Cartoucherie, Toulouse (FR)
legero united campus, Feldkirchen bei Graz (AT)

You can watch the TED Talk with Dominik Philipp on YouTube:
TED Talk